
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa

1866: 43rd Carleton Battalion of Infantry
1875: disbanded
1881: 43rd Battalion of Infantry
1881: 43rd “Ottawa and Carleton” Battalion of Rifles
1900: 43rd Regiment
“Ottawa and Carleton Rifles”

1902: 43rd Regiment
“Duke of Cornwall’s Own Rifles”
layout layout
1920: 1st Battalion
(38th Battalion, CEF),
2nd Battalion
(207th Battalion, CEF),
The Ottawa Regiment
(The Duke of Cornwall’s Own)
[Non Permanent Active Militia]
1922: The Ottawa Highlanders
1933: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa
1936: The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa

layout layout
1940: 2nd (Reserve) Battalion, 1st Battalion,
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa

[Canadian Active Service Force]
1942: 2nd (Reserve) Battalion,
The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa


3rd Infantry Division
Support Battalion
(The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa)

1st Battalion,
The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa


3rd Battalion,
The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa

[Canadian Army Occupation Force]
1946: The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa

disbanded disbanded
1954: The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa

1959: The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa

2013: The Cameron Highlanders
of Ottawa
(Duke of Edinburgh’s Own)

Overseas battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
perpetuated by The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (Duke of Edinburgh’s Own)
38th (Ottawa) Battalion 207th (Ottawa-Carleton) Battalion
b038 b207